Buying a home is a big step! View our exclusive resources for home buyers! Whether you’re buying your first home, your dream home, or your tenth investment property, yours will be a big investment. We know how important this is to you and have a team of experts to make sure we find the perfect property for your unique circumstances. Estimate how much you can afford with the Mortgage Calculator below!

Finding the perfect property is just one way we can help you with your real estate purchase. As real estate agents, we have ongoing access to experts in every related field from lending to relocation. We believe in client education throughout every step of the buying process. When you buy a home with us, you can rest assured that you’ll know what is happening every step of the way.

Because Wayzata, Twin Cities, and surrounding areas are our neighborhoods too, we can provide you with detailed information about our communities, cities, and Minnesota. We have a clear understanding of the Minnesota market and are in the know of the inventory available. Make a list of the homes you want to see, and we’ll tour them together.

Let’s Get Started!

The home-buying process may seem complex, but we’ll make it as smooth as possible for you. We will help you find the right house, negotiate for you to get your offer accepted, provide you with helpful knowledge, and carry you all the way to closing day.

Purchase Price
Loan Type
Down Payment
Interest Rate
Estimated Property Taxes
Homeowner's Insurance
HOA Dues
Private Mortgage Insurance